
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

DistantThunder5/05/2009 5:24:08 pm PDT
When we say “sex,” we mean topics like abstinence, promiscuity, homosexuality, pre-marital relations, contraception, sodomy, nudity, pornography, masturbation, same-sex marriage, sex education, abortion, and morning-after pills.

Most of these have social costs, and some have massive public costs. What is the public cost of having 1/4 of all teenage girls in NY with an STD? Huge. Even if private insurance companies are paying for those costs, it’s still passed on to the consumers. I know 2 young women that have had cervical cancer before the age of 23 due to HPV, a sexually transmitted virus. They’ve had to endure difficult, expensive, painful treatments and now their fertility is in question which could lead to even more expense.

Nature is conservative and does not tolerate promiscuity. Work in an OB/GYN office like I did for 6 years - and your eyes will be opened to the depth and breath of the suffering and complications associated with unconservative behaviors. (Unconservative in the physical sense - not political.)

I was just 18, when a woman came into the office with an STD, and I was handed a wad of prescriptions to call in:
2 for her,
2 for her husband,
2 for her lover, and
2 for her lover’s wife.
Do the math. This is not fiscally conservative behavior.