
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/27/2009 11:29:12 am PST

re: #559 jdog29

Respectfully, you need to study the Word of God more. That didn’t feel too respectful did it?

What would call the previous teaching for all those years on the earth’s magnetic field in light of the article I linked to earlier?

Disagreeing strongly with false assumptions that you have made is not intended as disrespect. Science really does not work the way you are implying and accusing it does. Further, the types of arguments you are making are precisely the types of arguments made by charlatans to bilk an arrogant populace.

A major flaw in the American character is that if an Olympic sprinter came up to the average American and said “I am probably much faster than you ” the average American would concede the point without argument. However, if Einstein were to come up and say “I am probably much smarter than you” the average person will flip out and shout “who do you think you are? Einstein?” Well, yes he does think he is Einstein, and he deserves a little respect - certainly more than the sprinter.

If you feel that I have not studied the word of G-d, you should look up thread a little, or at any of the other threads where I have discussed theological points.

I have not had the time to review the article that you linked to earlier. What post number is it? There are two possibilities though. If it is a kosher article it means that new data of some sort has come in forcing refinements. That is called science working the way it should. If it is not a kosher article then it is not relevant.