
At Least 2 Shot Outside Muhammad Cartoon Exhibit

ObserverArt5/04/2015 10:37:13 am PDT

It’s looking more and more like Ohio governor John Kasich is getting ready to take a seat in the GOP Clown Bus.

Ohio.Com - With Scott Walker a 2016 GOP force, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder ponder White House runs

WASHINGTON: Wisconsin’s Scott Walker has emerged as a force in the 2016 White House contest. It’s a position two other Republican governors from the Midwest, lesser known but similarly ambitious, undoubtedly would like to be in.

Like Walker, John Kasich in Ohio and Rick Snyder in Michigan have strong resumes and political successes in states where the GOP often struggles. They offer a distinct form of pragmatic politics that differs sharply from that of their combative counterpart in Wisconsin.

Kasich has taken steps toward a presidential bid, emboldened by the absence of a clear front-runner and by warm reviews from appearances in New Hampshire and South Carolina. The 62-year-old former congressman was in Washington to sound out prospective staff and gauge establishment support soon after setting up a political organization to facilitate his national ambitions.

“I didn’t fall off a turnip truck,” Kasich said at a Capitol Hill news conference. He cited his 18 years in Congress, a subsequent decade in the private sector and his current status as a two-term governor. “I’m more experienced than anybody in the field.”


Just a little full of himself, but that is Johnny Kasich.

Looks like America will be getting a view of his act soon!