
Pizzagate: Not a Gate

lostnearpittsburgh4/11/2009 6:33:47 pm PDT

re: #509 Charles

Obviously, if it weren’t for that, ahem, other business reason, Mr. Sommers would not have made that long trip just to meet with the President of the United States of America. Yeah, I’ll buy that. Why waste valuable time and money if the only reason for the trip was to serve the most powerful man on the face of the earth? Tommy Christopher didn’t ask the obvious follow up question, “What, exactly, was the nature of Mr. Sommers’ business in DC that was apparently more important than meeting with the President?”

Did the thought never occur that Mr. Sommers, being a true carbon credit weenie, might have realized the hypocrisy of flying across the country to make a pizza for the President and “found” another reason to be there on business? I can tell you this much. If I owned a pizza restaurant anywhere in the world, and the President of the United States wanted me to make him a pie, I would certainly find a way to get there and justify the trip. Receiving the press, notoriety, and promotional value that comes with serving the President is a pretty darned good business reason alone.

Yes, let’s just trust everything that Mr. Obama’s friends say from this point forward.