
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

b_sharp1/06/2010 4:35:13 am PST

re: #532 Olsonist

I give credit for winning the Cold War to each of the Presidents, but first to Truman. Bagua’s notion that I have no respect for Republican Presidents just isn’t so. Obviously I’m in awe of Lincoln and as I’ve said before Ike was a great President.

As for FDR, yes it took a coalition and a coalition with Stalin is an unholy coalition. But FDR and Truman got us through it and then Truman through Bush got us through the Cold War along with Europe, kicking and screaming.

This notion the RR stared down the USSR comes from some movie.

Did Gorbachev have nothing to do with the dissolution of the USSR?