
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

TedStriker8/22/2010 7:17:05 pm PDT

re: #494 Escaped Hillbilly

Yeah, Walmart said the same thing when they built on the sight of a Civil War Cemetary. There are all kinds of possible compromises. I don’t know what the answer would be if anybody bothered to try cause they won’t anyway. Now days, people think screaming and flaming each other on message boards and being featured on Bill OReilly or some such passes for intelligent discussion.

If you’re trying to compare Wal-Mart buying land to build and finding a “Civil War cemetery” on it and the whole issue with Cordoba House/Park51 (which is 2 blocks away and mostly out of sight of Ground Zero), you’re barking up the wrong tree.

The Cordoba Initiative owns/controls the land, they have zoning approval from the city and the approval from the majority of the people who live and work in lower Manhattan. Iman Rauf seems like the sort of “moderate Muslim” the folks on the far right have been claiming they’ve wanted to see for the longest time, but now they smear him and the Cordoba Initiative and try to tie them with Hamas and other bad actors, even with no proof or cause.

Seriously, the next time someone tries to summon the spirit of 9/11 (in which many innocent people of many faiths died, including many Muslims) to oppose Cordoba House/Park51, I’m going to bust them in the mouth…