
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

NJDhockeyfan9/01/2010 9:12:10 pm PDT

re: #555 LudwigVanQuixote

Of course he has. He also routinely defends water boarding.

It would take some digging to find the posts, but of course he is lying.

I do not have a problem with those terrorist scum at Gitmo getting waterboarded. So what? I never said I didn’t support it.

Your original post about me:

re: #71 Slumbering Behemoth

Maybe I’ve been missing a lot of his posts, but since when has NJDhockeyfan been a defender of racism?

Everytime he has defended Rush, or Beck or a teabagger’s racist comments. Everytime he has trivialized the very real problems with the teabag’s racism with his pitiful yelps of the left did it too in a vain attempt to recast the conversation. When he defended the Az law… When he defended the Obama /witch doctor sign. Really, do you want to get into this?

I see 5 lies on there. You are a complete fraud as far as I’m concerned.