
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

piratedan7/09/2013 8:09:11 am PDT

re: #548 Targetpractice

“Had it coming”? Would you just like to call me a racist and get it out of your system?

just believe that you’re being willfully obtuse for reasons unknown….

one person was on foot, armed with skittles and a soda, one person was in a car armed with a handgun. One person got out of their car and instigated a confrontation. One person was advised by authorities to not pursue, not engage and ignored those instructions.

doesn’t matter what color either person was, take the race thing out of it entirely as far as I’m concerned, again, look at their ACTIONS. Just like in the Snowden case, look at what has been proven by their deeds.

If Zimmerman was scared, why get out of the car? If Zimmerman was scared, why confront Martin? Zimmerman wasn’t scared.