
Tuesday Night Mind-Warp: Li Hongbo: Statues in Motion

Backwoods Sleuth2/26/2014 8:50:16 am PST

We usually include mustard in our annual farm planting.
One year we planted way more than usual of a particularly “warm” variety that I dubbed “The Afterburner” because the greens tasted like normal mustard greens but then about 10 seconds later…YOWSER!
Anyway, that’s the only time I tried my hand at making homemade mustard. It turned out great (Afterburner x10). But gathering and processing the seeds to make the mustard took way too much effort for such a small resulting product.
Now that I’m semi-retired, I just might try that again.
Oh, and I also grow horseradish. You haven’t lived until you try making your own fresh horseradish sauce (Pro Tip: wear gloves and full face protection)