
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

jdog292/27/2009 12:08:23 pm PST

I think I’m not kosher, therefore I’m not… relevant.

My point is that among common held-to-be-true scientific facts which I put my faith in, how many, in just the next 10 years will prove to be laughable? Meanwhile, those falsehoods are currently spread as gospel truth and anyone not bowing down to the so called “overlords” as you say, are shouted down as blasphemers.

The previous held beliefs and teachings promoted by the earth’s magnetic field gestapo were lies. Maybe ignorant lies, but lies none the less. That’s ok because lying to myself is a pastime of mine.

If the aliens who started this planet showed up to take us back to inner core of Jupiter now that the crisis is past would there be no expectation of capitulation?

Don’t take me too seriously because I sure don’t.