
Moving Still Stinks Open Thread

Geepers4/14/2009 5:16:03 pm PDT

BlueCanuck (#492),

Read about that. I am still waiting to see if this is just over blown. 48 hour rule in effect. So far we have just heard from one person. If this was staged like they say, we should be hearing more about it soon enough.

The MSM was all over George Bush for serving a “fake” turkey to the troops. When in fact the thanksgiving day turkey was very much real and GW did in fact serve the troops.

If your going to wait for the press to expose this as just one more staged photo op for Obama it’s gonna be a lot closer to never than 48 hours.

/we don’t need to dive full bore into ODS like the left did with BDS.

And how is pointing out that Obama and his handlers are all about phony imagery Obama Derangement Syndrome?