
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/18/2009 12:26:22 pm PST

re: #538 Bagua

An Arch terrorist who destroyed the World Trade Center does not have “inalienable rights”.

Your expansive concern for his well being and discomfort speak volumes about your loyalties and priorities.

And now I am somehow disloyal for standing up for American values…
That sounds like something Beck or Rush or Hannity would say.

You really have hit the bottom of the barrel.

Care to dig anymore?

Because you reason seems to be impaired, I will explain it slowly to you.

1. I want the terrorists to have justice served to them.

2. For justice to be served in a way that is both just and upholds American principles (the things these monsters want to destroy) we must be scrupulous to uphold our own principles.

3. We must do so for our own sake more than theirs.