
An Amazing Band You Probably Haven't Heard Of: Progger: "Morning Star"

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance8/23/2018 12:09:32 pm PDT

Holy shit, I just connected a few dots while reading this paragraph of that Vanity Fair piece:

It’s likely that more Trump relationships will be stress-tested in the weeks to come as Trump’s legal peril escalates. Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis has given a series of cable-news interviews intimating that Cohen has valuable and damaging information on Trump to share with Mueller—including the claim that Trump had foreknowledge of Russia’s hacking of Clinton’s e-mails. One source close to Cohen told me Cohen wants to tell Mueller that Trump discussed the release of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s e-mails during the weekend when the Access Hollywood “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape dominated the news cycle.

Does this sound familiar? Last week it was Omarosa all over the news so “let’s remove someone’s security clearance” then talk came afterwards of them planning to do the same whenever some bad news dropped. Looks like they were running a play they’ve done before based on that line. In other words, I bet Trump knew about ALL the emails and had them leaked when necessary.