
Steve Schmidt Goes Even More Rogue

Bagua1/11/2010 8:51:29 pm PST

re: #543 freetoken

Upstream I mentioned an uncharacteristically informational article at the Orange County Register from earlier in the day.

Then someone mentioned one of their editors, Mark Landsbaum.

Well, sure enough, about 4 hours ago on Landsbaum’s blog, called “Orange Punch” with a tag line of “a liberty blog”, we find the following piece of typical the denial-o-sphere:

Book burning and global warming

… where he approvingly quotes the following piece of UK-sourced nonsense:

The truth is, the reason that the UK is unprepared for winter is that they’ve gotten used to warmer times, and also the North Sea production of hydrocarbons has long peaked and the UK is now an importer. It’s pretty much a classic ant & grasshopper type of story over there.

It’s not as simple as that. The MET predicted a warm winter. The local councils are all spending money on “climate change consultants” and such, but underspent on salt, grit and snow shovels. They were caught with their pants down because of all the warmist propaganda. They have plenty of coal, but are building ineffective wind mills instead of coal or even nuclear.