
Crack in the Far Right World

565 9:41:51 pm PDT

Night, all.

WUB, if I misunderstood you and got pissy for no reason, I apologize.

Obdi - I’ve said it over and over, you’re a good guy, glad you’re here!

And I actually quite enjoyed the evening!

re: #556 WindUpBird

yeah, I wasn’t implying she was stupid, I was simply saying I don’t get it, I can’t put myself in a position to understand it.

I also can’t put myself in the position to understand how someone could be a boxer! That doesn’t mean that I believe boxers are stupid

See above.
Also, WUB - again, I’ve heard it and heard it from folks meaning exactly “How can you be that stupid?”, that I just wanna scream when someone says it to me.