
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

BryanS7/13/2012 10:34:27 pm PDT

re: #554 TedStriker

I was cynical about President Clinton throughout most of his two terms (even though he was the first President I voted for, versus Bob Dole in ‘96); “Slick Willie” was a sobriquet he definitely earned throughout his political career, but at least he pretended like he genuinely gave a damn about lower- and middle-class folks, because he had been one himself in his early life. What he’s done publicly since he left office has pleasantly surprised me (Katrina and tsunami relief, etc.).

To me, Romney just doesn’t have empathy at all, period.

There are a number of unhyped stories of tremendous empathy coming from Romney, but Romney doesn’t push them. I cited one above—where he shut his company down and marshaled the entire resources of Bain to find a missing daughter of one of his board members.