
Breaking: Prop 8 Overturned

theheat8/04/2010 4:56:50 pm PDT

Well, great. I hope all those commies and liberals are happy now, they’ve just shat over and devalued my 20-some years of hetero bliss.

Thanks for taking the shine and specialness off what should only be between a man and woman. Thanks for making an exclusive club open to any old pervert. (You know darned well the next step will be people marrying their dogs or whatever.)

Between the health insurance benefits and tax breaks, I hope they’re happy they’re dragging America straight in the toilet, as if we can afford it. And don’t even get started on legal adoptions. It’s bad enough they open Disneyland to these homos, for special homo day. Homos and their homo kids. Jesus must be crying right now. Crying and puking.

This is just fucking super. If this is what marriage means in America, it means jack shit, and I’m throwing in the towel. Mr. Heat’s getting his walking papers the minute he comes home from work.

channeling people I know in real life