
Live Video: Values Voter Summit 2011

Killgore Trout10/07/2011 4:45:24 pm PDT

re: #549 Obdicut

No, what Killgore is doing is nothing like McCarthyist red-baiting, and saying that it is is tiring hyperbole.

Killgore is pointing out, strenuously, that Marxists are present at the protests and that the organizers are, if not Marxists, at least quite sympathetic with Marxists. As well as the main organizer, Adbusters, having engaged in the antisemitic campaign.

That’s a perfectly fair observation.

He’s not claiming that everyone there is a Marxist.

I highly recommend people read this article….
“We Are Creating a Tahrir Moment”: Adbusters Editor Kalle Lasn on the Magazine’s Role in Igniting the Occupy Wall Street Protests
A little background on the Situationist is helpful. I found this to be really interesting stuff. An I think I understand the modern left better than ever. It really brings a lot of stuff into focus.