
Presidential Debate 2: The Wrap-Up

Targetpractice10/10/2016 8:54:16 am PDT

re: #564 lawhawk

Darth’s wondering if HRC said anything memorable that would stick out.

I get that. I think Trump’s hair-aflame Joker routine last night overwhelmed everything else. You remember what Trump said about imprisoning Clinton, shredding the constitution, etc., but it’s tougher to remember what Clinton said.

I think her comments about Muslims and inclusiveness was good, but lost in the Trump noise machine.

Which is a good point, her performance was good last night but hardly memorable. As I’ve seen noted elsewhere, last night was mostly prevent defense for her, keep Trump from landing any crippling blows so that he could arrest his fall. She succeeded in my opinion, but I’m sure there will be editorials all week about how she needed to deal Trump a knock-out blow, that she came off as “defensive” and thus “insincere/dishonest.”