
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

dmon8/22/2010 7:18:06 pm PDT

re: #545 Escaped Hillbilly

The 9 months ago…best point. But my point is not that they have to do anything. They ought to save themselves a lot of heartache by thinking through the plans and it wouldn’t hurt to compromise. Of course, it is pretty hard to compromise with idiots and bigots who don’t want to compromise. But a show of consideration would help defuse the situation and rob the crazies of much of their support among the more moderate population. The longer it goes on, the more steam it gains.

Show of consideration? Is that sorta like when the blacks in the south had to show a little consideration? Like even if you have the right to sit anywhere on the bus you want, they really shouldnt do it cause it might upset the white folk?