
Gateway Pundit Listens to Obama Speech, Hears the Word "Great" When Obama Said "Grey," Derp Ensues

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance9/29/2014 10:20:09 am PDT

re: #563 CuriousLurker

People abuse the term antisemitism when they use it to shut down criticism of Israel. Antisemitism is a very real, ugly, and dangerous thing. Yes, sometimes criticism of Israel is antisemitic, but not as often as it gets labeled as such, IMO.

The same is true for Islamophobia—it’s out there and it’s ugly & dangerous, but not every criticism of Muslims or Muslim-majority/Islamic countries constitutes Islamophobia (though there are Muslims who would have you think it does).

I’m not saying it’s not real, I know it is. But the way Netanyahu used it was as a shield to try and deflect all criticism of what Israel does.