
British Middle East Expert: 'F--- the Jews'

nyc redneck2/09/2009 12:35:23 pm PST

re: #206 yma o hyd

Yep - just one correction: glaucoma is treated before anybody goes blind, the mis-treatment you’re alluding to is that for age-related macular degeneration - and yes, its true: no treatment until one eye is gone.

Same for Alzheimers: doctors are now encouraged to give an early diagnosis - trouble is, you’re only going to get the medication which might give you another year or so of nearly normal life before total onset, when there is already total onset …

yma, thank you for clearing that up abt. which disease requires the patient to go blind before they are treated.
i just wonder if the people coming up w/ these restrictions on care can see how barbaric it is.
also do they not think they too will get old someday?