
Sen. Cornyn: Limbaugh and Gingrich Comments 'Terrible'

drcordell5/29/2009 11:54:10 am PDT

re: #549 LGoPs

She is appointed by the most left wing idealogue this country has ever elected and centrist isn’t in his vocabulary.
I believe that both his philosophy and her meeting his standards are worthy of opposing and using as a teaching point to start laying out the differences between the 2 parties and their judicial philosophies.
And lastly, my opposition to her is no where near as rabid as the lockstep opposition and knife fighting that the Democrats used on all of George Bush’s appointments, many of whom sat in limbo for years or were withdrawn. And the only standard the democrats held to was that they were conservative.

Ah, finally we are getting somewhere. It has nothing to do with Sotomayor, it’s just about opposing anything that Obama does. At least you’re being honest now. If you want to oppose her solely because she’s Obama’s pick, go right ahead, nobody is stopping you. Just letting you know that you risk making yourself look like a clueless partisan hack when you keep trying to paint Sotomayor as someone who rules based on emotion instead of the law.