
Overnight Open Thread

webevintage4/28/2010 10:28:42 am PDT

Sorry about that.
The quote came from a Meet The Press interview over the weekend.
Right? This was at the end after they had discussed working on this for 2 years. They are discussing getting the vote going, not getting the bill finished.

MR. GREGORY: OK. When do you think you’ll have a deal done on this, by the way?

SEN. DODD: I think in the, the next few days, weeks, we’ll get it together, maybe even, maybe even by tomorrow possibility get this done. We need to get on with this.


SEN. DODD: I, I, we spent a whole week last week on five nominations in the Senate, all of whom were confirmed almost unanimously.

MR. GREGORY: All right. Final word.

SEN. SHELBY: I think if we keep working together, we’ll get a bill. It might be later this week. It may mean a night, might be next week. But the main thing is to get a good bill.

SEN. DODD: Yeah. I agree with that.

MR. GREGORY: All right, Senators, we’ll leave it there.