
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

Decatur Deb9/23/2011 9:24:18 am PDT

re: #560 000G

Ron Paul has consistently proven that he only actually objects to government when it comes to the Federal government but would basically allow States governments to do anything. He and his doped-up followers have been pretty successful at obfuscating those nastier aspects of their candidate. I guess when there is some GOP person opposed to foreign interventions, some right-wingers will swallow anything.

Ron Paul is a neoconfederate. And the GOP gets more and more openly embracing of his kind.

It’s time we pushed hard for ‘county rights’ Those Yankees up around Huntsville are diluting Alabama’s glorious culture.

(There is an Italian political sentiment called “Belltowerism”. It means “everything of importance occurs within sound of my village churchbell”.)