
Jon Stewart on the One Constitutional Amendment Fox News Will Defend

Schroedinger's Dog4/25/2013 8:48:26 pm PDT

I keep thinking re: #55 stabby

Lawyers are reflecting our laws which reflect our official “morality” and official “ethics” which are entirely creations of the power of our meddling religious leaders.

It all stems from both the history and current remenants of officially respectable religious power. We have always officially pretended that morality is rooted in the bible and that decisions of life and death have to be based in Christian concepts of morality, ie. poorly disguised dogma.

It all comes down to favoring quantity of life over quality. It’s a difficult balance. Once they got my Dad-in-law’s pain under control he perked right up. I had to get a little testy with the nursing staff to get them to call the doctor. To their credit, they walked down to surgery and got him to approve the order.