
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon: The Highway Patrol Will Take Over Security in Ferguson

goddamnedfrank8/14/2014 2:40:39 pm PDT

re: #44 Dr Lizardo

Of course there are bad cops; that goes without saying. But police corruption - or abuse of power - are very bad things that cause a lot of problems in the long run.

Is there a sociological term for institutional ass covering and wagon circling? Because you can see the problem everywhere, from police departments to schools like Penn State to the military to basically every church scandal ever. The people in the institution become so invested in the organization they belong to and its reputation that they’ll condone damned near any kind of fucked up behavior and cover up for the myriad shit weasels in their midst to defend it. It’s like they stop viewing themselves as individuals whose personal integrity matters above everything else and instead start acting like systemic antibodies tasked with defending the corporate body against outside attack.