
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

BlueSpotinAL ✅6/02/2015 8:11:19 pm PDT

re: #43 b_sharp

As a young adolescent I lived with my YEC paternal grandparents and that time convinced me YECism was nonsense. Back in 2002 I joined Talk Origins in order to learn evolution and biology because I was running up against a lot of YECs in my own family. I spent several years at T.O. learning at the feet of some highly intelligent scientists and branched out to Free Republic in about 2005 because it was a YEC stronghold.

In 2007 I started focusing on AGW/Climate Change because that seemed to be the new target of malignant anti-science. As with evolution I spent most of my time talking with scientists and verifying I actually understood at a layman’s level the important science behind the research. I expected to find a site where I could hone my chops against deniers, but then 2009 happened. The US elected a socialist, atheist, Muslim as president, the shit hit the fan, and I ended up here.

A few years later, racism and fundamentalism is oozing from the walls of the Internet and I find myself going back to defending science against the YECs who have apparently found new support among all the haters who found the balls to crawl out from under their rocks because a black man was elected president.

They haven’t changed their arguments, but they have released a whole new cohort of young, confused, uneducated, extremely well indoctrinated youngsters to do their work for them.

I remember you from those days.