
Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: The First Democratic Debate

Dark_Falcon10/28/2015 9:40:48 pm PDT

re: #53 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

Maddow does have a point in that the questions about W’s service were ongoing until Rather blew it for everybody. That’s the way I remember it. Meanwhile, ridiculing John Kerry’s service was fair game and continued unabated through the rest of the campaign. That’s the right wing for you, past and present.

The thing is that there was no equivalent of the Throbbing Memo that could have aided John Kerry. Showing the Bush docs to be fake was unusually effective because the refutation was quick and easy enough to simple to communicate. The things wrong in it were clear. The “things wrong” in John O’Neil’s vendetta against John Kerry were much harder to find and explain and could not be as nearly as clearly proven or shown.