
Seth Meyers: Democrats Get Their First Big Electoral Wins of the Trump Era

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/09/2017 5:04:27 am PST

Quartz sent me this latest Quartz Obsession about cider. Contained within was this YouTube video by the Tempura Kidz. And now I shall share with you all, because it’s goofy — like a lot of Japanese music videos.


A commenter provided this English translation of the timeless Japanese lyrics:

Fizzy fizzy cider
A shower in my mouth
I’ll pop open a cider
I’ll open one with you
Fizz fizz fizz fizz POP!
Clear x Pink x Blue
Pure white, black, there’s all sorts of flavors
There are so many
That I can’t choose between them
Don’t shake it too much
Open it like you would a treasure box
‘Cause all the precious bubbles will escape
Gently, gently, nice and easy
Fizzy fizzy cider
A shower in my mouth
I’ll pop open a cider
I’ll open one with you
Fizz fizz fizz fizz POP!
I ate my dinner
And I’ve even finished my homework
And Daddy’s just now
Opening up a beer
Don’t be too hasty
Enjoy it little by little
When you’re ready we’ll open them on the count of three
Gently, gently, nice and easy
Fizzy fizzy cider
A shower in my mouth
I’ll pop open a cider
I wanna open one with you
Fizz fizz fizz fizz POP!
Fizzy fizzy cider
The tiny bomb
Has burst and disappeared
I’ll open one with you
Fizz fizz fizz fizz POP!

You’re welcome.