
Trump Lawyers Fight as Insider Was Reportedly 'Waved Off' Searching for Docs

piratedan5/31/2023 11:46:21 am PDT

re: #54 Nerdy Fish

have to admit that I’m kind of done doubting Biden and his legislative chops. If there’s a failure, it will be due to GOP intransigence not anything Biden did or didn’t do. Regardless of whatever narrative the media promotes.

My guess is even if the GOP publicly commits seppuku over this, then Biden has moves already in hand such as invoking the 14th amendment after illustrating that the GOP is simply not fit to govern or simply ignoring them and stating that the bills must be paid and he’s directing the Treasury to pay them, period. If the GOP wants to sue him over the paying of previously accrued debt and say that they have the right to default, I’m sure that’s a winning argument in the eyes of the public.