
Posner on Sotomayor

wrenchwench5/26/2009 11:46:53 am PDT

re: #48 loppyd

See my 26.

I think that is where the 80% number is coming from.

I need to find out how many cases where she authored the opinion were granted cert and of those how many were reversed.

That’s what Rush used for a source. It includes this paragraph:

In Empire Healthchoice Assurance v. McVeigh, the Court, by a vote of 5 to 4, affirmed a ruling by Sotomayor on a question of federal jurisdiction. (On a quick read, I can’t readily discern whether the majority’s grounds are the same as Sotomayor’s, but will assume for purposes of my cumulative vote tally that they are.)

Pretty off-the-cuff for something that’s being spread as Gospel across the innernut.