
Hamas: Teaching About the Holocaust is a 'War Crime'

Killgore Trout9/01/2009 3:51:14 pm PDT

re: #40 Charles

Interesting: There seems to have been a coordinated effort today to change WWII history…
PETER HITCHENS: If we hadn’t fought World War 2, would we still have a British Empire?


What was it we went to war for again, exactly?

If we had stayed out, think what might - and might not - have happened. Would France have risked war with Hitler if we had sat on our hands? In that case would there ever have been a war in Western Europe at all?

Might Poland have handed over Danzig and its corridor? Would Germany then have been interested in a pact with Stalin? Or would Stalin - whose aggression against Finland is now forgotten - have started a war with Germany years earlier, perhaps beginning by invading Finland and then by seizing the Baltic republics?

magine: no European Union, probably no Nato, no United Nations, no courts of Human Rights, no Starbucks, no McDonald’s, no kilograms, no mass migration, no terrorism. Who knows? Certainly no ‘Special Relationship’ (With the US -ed). One great change of direction can have so many effects, a fair number of them completely unpredictable.

The great cult of Churchill-worship, with which I and millions of others grew up, has been most gravely damaged by the tawdry attempts of George W. Bush and Anthony Blair to dress their wars in Churchillian clothing. Of course, they look ridiculous, like children who have raided a dressing-up box.

But they have also made me - and I suspect millions more - wonder if the ‘Good War’ was really as good as we have long believed.