
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion12/23/2009 2:27:29 am PST

re: #35 Mark Winter

I think last week several people tried to tell me that CO2 causing AGW would run against the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

It’s really bad when they are not online doing that and can’t use Wikipedia to find out what this damn law actually is about.

That is a common line brought up by a lot of anti-science kooks who have only a rudimentary understanding of entropy. They always seem to miss the part, by their ignorance or perhaps willful ignorance, about the “closed system”.

The exact same argument is used by creationists that somehow evolution violates entropy. When I saw it in anti-AGW arguments I about died laughing. It should be a litmus test on whether or not someone is a kook.