
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/03/2010 12:27:34 am PST

re: #48 recusancy

…. (which is what you should be doing).

I guess I don’t buy that concept. I should do whatever I set out to do - I have no good reason to try for some lowest common denominator.

For any web developer the challenge emerging is that plethora of hand held devices - they are quickly adding up into the tens of millions sold every year (heck, Apple just sold 11 million iPhones.) This divergence in the viewing pool, between small screened hand-held devices and large screened home devices, is a pretty large divide to bridge.

I see little motivation to be all things to all people.

Let’s face it - we’re heading deep into Babel II. The Age of Confusion. Computer Chaos.