
Gingrich Bails Out of the Anti-Mosque Demonstration

57 11:33:18 am PDT

re: #47 Racer X

I watched the National Geographic special on the spill last night. Those first responders were working their asses off to find survivors and put out the fire. It was really eerie watching the rig sink while it was still burning.

Everything that could have gone wrong did. Lets hope (and put policies in place that will insure) this never happens again. That being said, we still need to drill in the gulf, at least in the short term.

For the president to just shut everything down is a knee-jerk reaction. He has got to take into consideration the big picture.

I keep looking for that to be on, and I miss it every time!

Policies and rules and requirements are in place to ensure this doesn’t happen. BP asked for and received exceptions in order to do things that are NOT done. Do a review of existing policies; stand firm and do not grant exceptions; and move on.