
Newt Gingrich Completes Transformation into Creepy Android

Gus9/10/2010 3:01:49 pm PDT

re: #49 researchok

My problem is the same one I reiterated yesterday and you just enumerated.

The far right has made this more about Obama (demonization, personal vilification, etc.,) than they have made it about policy criticism and so on.

Policy is rigid in an environment that is fluid. There will be good days and bad days. IF the bad days outnumber the good days, chances are bad policy is the cause.

Obama has retained many of the Bush era policies because they were and remain good policies. That’s just smart- and evidence that the President’s priorities when it comes to keeping the nation safe are most important to him.

I have no issue, as I said, with criticizing the President, his policies and administration with meritorious arguments. However, when that criticism is predicated on personal dislikes, deceit and phony and baseless criticisms, that criticism is baseless.

Many of the Bush policies do remain in place. A few in fact have been expanded. Additionally many of the same senior commanders in the ME theater are still there as well as Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.