
Now Can We Call Them 'Teabaggers?'

57 12:02:54 pm PDT

re: #34 Charles

Twitter / e mcmorris-santoro:

Tea party leader at the podium lays it down: “God has an army” and it’s the tea party. “God has called us to this place, in this time.”

Oh fer cryin’ out loud!

I’m a Christian. I’m a religious person.
And I get really really tired of people saying “God is on our side!”.

God, I do believe, really has more on His mind than trying to figure out whether he’s on the “side” of US conservatives, US teaparty-people, US liberals, Paulians, or who-the-heck-else is involved the the political minutia of our lives.

Can’t they find a subsantive issue to talk about?