
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All12/02/2010 10:20:43 am PST

re: #39 Obdicut

I don’t even feel that the Republican Party is looking out for their own best self-interest, except in the very, very, very short term.

That’s what makes it so frustrating. It’s the lack of a plan. The aggressive lack of a plan.

Absolutely, and you saw that contrast dramatically during the 2008 election, with the Republicans thrashing around trying to ‘win’ news cycles and the Obama Campaign working a steady hand and thinking strategically. And somehow Obama’s idea worked! He managed to cut through the news cycles and actually resonate with the voters. He gave that hope that Republican’s seem to mock so much to the people who’d lost it.

Mock hope all you want, but really, you don’t want America to lose hope, because I promise you that it will get really ugly and *everyone* will lose, not just the poor and middle class.

So I’d simply add that it’s a matter of Tactics and Strategy. Right now Tactics (Republicans) are winning.

My hope is that Strategy wins out and validate my belief that America will find a way to see through the chaff and ground clutter and make the choices that are best for all of us, not just one narrow segment.