
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

surlymarv4/04/2011 11:24:27 am PDT

Wow, I have really been out of the loop concerning Muller. I was shocked to read this article and see his name as he was one of my favorite Physics professors at Cal. He was always an opinionated and passionate teacher. He also was a bit of a self-promoter, although not necessarily without merit because he’s quite brilliant. I’m guessing this might be what has led him to take money from the energy/denier sector. I find it very hard to believe that he would not be objective when looking at the actual climate studies. It’s one thing to pontificate when you have no real idea of the quality of research being done because you are an astrophysicist (or worse a TV weather man) and quite another to actually focus on the research itself.