
Video: PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press

SanFranciscoZionist9/16/2012 11:41:22 am PDT

re: #38 Gus

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it’s the opposite and while he doesn’t “endorse” Obama the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

Israel is tense, and that’s not just coming from Bibi. They spent the summer handing out gas masks at the malls, getting braced for whatever may happen next.

If Israel makes a move, they know the ‘blowback’ (see, this American has learned the big word) will be right back in their face.

But the wingnuts desperately want Bibi to hate Obama and love Romney, and the moonbats likewise. It just doesn’t add up to real politics.