
And Now, Sparks With an Ode to the Noble "Lawnmower"

Backwoods Sleuth8/06/2020 2:11:56 pm PDT

re: #566 Jack Burton

I’m not anticipating beaches or public pools being open in CA, NY, and perhaps even some of the FreeDUMB places on Labor Day Weekend.

There will be a relative peak I’m sure, but I don’t think we will see as much of a peak from Labor Day as people are expecting. I could be wrong.

As for schools. I expect the ones that were opened to be open for about … 3-4 weeks tops. Meaning the ones open now, probably wont be by Labor Day. The ones that open after Labor Day might not be at all.

You have a much higher degree of confidence than I do in the ability of some of our fellow Americans to do the right thing.

I really do hope you are right.