
Texas School Board Meeting Live-Blogged

jcm3/25/2009 6:35:14 pm PDT

Seattle’s Mayor Greg “Santa’s gonna’ drown” Nickels just won’t give up his obsession with my guns.

Seattle gun ban

The ego of Settle mayor Greg Nickels knows no bounds. The Weekly reports that Nickles’ gun ban on city parks and property will begin in May despite advice from the Attorney General that the ban is unconstitutional. Rob McKenna’s office released this statement:
“Our office’s opinion clearly states that state law pre-empts a city’s authority to enact local laws that prohibit the possession of firearms on city property or in city-owned facilities. Moving forward with the firearms rule could subject the city to legal challenges from private citizens.”

The city held a public meeting on this issue in December - the mayor didn’t bother to show up - but 150 citizens did. They were overwhelmingly against the ban. But, Nickels’ desire to appease the anti-gun zealots far outweighs his desire to represent his constituents.