
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Aceofwhat?8/22/2010 7:18:43 pm PDT

re: #551 elbruce

Of course, nothing is entirely “yes or no” when it comes to doing public work. Fine, let’s drill down and pick some nits

Most if not all of them are getting some level of health care, I’m sure. Is it enough? Maybe not, considering that there are some special medical circumstances occuring them as a group. The GOP seems to be complaining about it entirely because a few of their donors would lose the tax-exempt status of their Cayman Islands accounts.

Yes, well the D’s turned down the R offer of a yearly appropriation that could actually be tailored to what might actually be needed. So either way, they were going to get full coverage.

And you say “Cayman Islands accounts”, i say “bye bye US subsidiaries and the jobs which they used to provide”.

Note that you don’t seem to be interested in whether this particular tax law helps us to lure jobs that might otherwise go to another country…don’t tell me that you’re all about tax breaks for the middle class as long as they don’t get job opportunities…