
Family's Autopsy Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at Least Six Times, Twice in the Head, Not at Close Range

Lidane8/18/2014 9:09:11 am PDT

American conservatives in a nutshell:

White cop shooting an unarmed black kid for no reason? OK.

Having RWNJ/Tea Party/sovereign citizen types as the bad guys in a video game? ZOMG ELEVENTY HERPTY DERP!

Conservatives up in arms over video game with sovereign citizen Tea Partiers as the bad guys

Conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck expressed dismay at what he called “American constitutionalists and Tea Party people” being made the bad guys in the game.

“Let’s go to the game that has just come out that makes American constitutionalists and Tea Party people the enemy. And you can go and shoot them,” Beck said on his radio show.”Anybody have a problem with this?”

Beck and his guests wondered how younger people will be able to “differentiate” between the bad guys in the video game, and real life Tea Party types

“That’s exactly what I thought,” Glenn added. “If Raphe went over to somebody’s house, and they had this… He knows when we’re around that that flag will fly… He knows that we’re members of the Tea Party, if you will. We support it. He goes over and plays that game… ‘Well, wait a minute, My dad believes in some of those things.’ …. What does he think?”