
The Bob & Chez Show: Caleefonya

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/08/2016 6:45:19 pm PDT

Well, for those living in expensive places like the California coast, my wife the Head Cynic argues that when the Big One hits, everything east of the San Andreas Fault will be destroyed and sink into the ocean.

All that will be left is the westernmost portion of California while those of us on the High Plains will be rubbing elbows with Spongebob Squarepants.

So I suppose where you live is a roll of the dice.

(I still have the duty of manning the tornado siren button so even though it is cheap to live here, there are hidden dangers. Like being elected as a liberal village trustee because I am dumb enough to go out in a tornado to hold a stupid button.)