
Palin Twitters: The Return of 'Death Panels'

Damned Architect12/22/2009 7:15:17 pm PST

re: #511 windsagio

It bears out with my experience however. Raising a disabled child to adulthood (and beyond) is an EXTREMELY difficult process. A huge majority end up in group homes. “Dumped” is just my prejudices speaking (my family was in a position for various reasons that they COULD keep my disabled brother).

I’d put down a huge bet that within the next 25 years Trig Palin is living in a group home.

re: #517 Dark_Falcon

He’s actually got better odds than most. He’s got a large family and plenty of people willing to help care for him. I’m not a Sarah Palin fan anymore, but I do give her son better odds than most.

Thanks for brings up this important subject. One of my first Architect jobs was at a firm that designed group homes for the mentally and/or physically disabled. The efforts of thousands of people in New York alone was required to push for funding from the State/private donors, find sites, build, design in a sensitive and cost-effective manner, operate and maintain the residence. Although the job didn’t pay well (due to the non-profit nature of the business), in the end it was well worth it because they were the best clients I’ve ever had.

Still, every years finds New York State with a waiting list of 1,000’s of parents and guardians desperate to find a slot for a loved one that they can no longer take care of. A shocking number of them end up homeless, taken advantage of by unscrupulous relatives for their SSI checks, or neglected as their guardians fade away. And this is in a state with a better than average record of caring for these vulnerable folks. God knows what goes on in less-caring states or countries….