
Pamela Geller Supports Yet Another Fascist Group

RayGunIsDead6/19/2010 4:34:49 pm PDT

re: #563 engineer dog

i hesitate to weigh in on this dangerous subject, but here is a ‘third way’ vis-a-vis the existence of g-d:

as an engineer, at work i need to decide what i can know and what is not knowable. for me, the existence of g-d falls into the category of unknowable

furthermore, i think it is not necessary to know whether or not g-d exists

for those who care, you can take pascal’s wager. for me, i intend to follow the righteous moral commandments of the bible whether, in the end, g-d exists or does not exist, so i feel no need to speculate

‘for those who care, you can take pascal’s wager’

As CS Lewis stated, get off the fence. Wavering in between is the most pathetic of states. Sorry.