
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

docrambo11/28/2009 1:51:36 pm PST

Calling the Bush Report or the Obama Report “science” is an insult to academics. Why do people have to think that someone is to blame for climate change? Is this the same guilt that drove people to vote for “Hope & Change”? Active volcanoes pollute the atmosphere far worse than any of us-fact. We just went through the third coldest October in recorded history-fact. So far, two examples of climatologists falsifying data have come to light-fact. Carbon offsets do not help-fact. (Except to line Al Gore’s pockets-fact) The Greenhouse Effect is not helpful in explaining the increased radiation we are seeing at altitudes and the increased skin cancer and radiation damage we are seeing in people who live at high altitudes-fact. There are scientists who do not agree with the Greenhouse Effect—fact. Ignoring the data that shows polar bears are numerous and healthy doesn’t help. Going along with what one feels is the majority is not always the wisest move, and instituting policies and lifestyle changes that have no proven effect is ludicrous. Sure we can all be a bit more green in our approach to our lifestyles, but to go around saying “mea culpa” all day long does not benefit anyone. Majority of scientists? I do not think so. Only 3000 out of 9000 at the conference on climate change endorsed the findings. Before ascribing the majority feel one way or the other, you need better numbers than this. I certainly agree that the weather is changing—proof that humans are to blame is sorely lacking, and based on non-scientific assumptions. Ignoring contradictory data is not science.