
Assange Arrest Imminent

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/03/2010 9:46:46 am PST

re: #570 bloodstar

I simply think there is not enough information available to make any conclusion whatsoever. I’m really, really, really not sure why the hell everyone is so eager to come to one conclusion or another.

We don’t, actually, know everything the women told the police and/or prosecutors. We don’t, actually, know the full circumstances of the sexual encounters.

Yes, the word ‘rape’ is highly charged, and an accusation of it on its own is harmful. And yes, there’s a lot of people who are pissed at Assange who are happy to see this charge made against him, and who don’t particularly care about its accuracy.

That has zero bearing on whether we know enough to dismiss the charges. We don’t.